Hakone Geo Museum

Explorer geographic information on the surrounding volcanos and how hot spring water is produced in Hakone.

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A place where visitors can experience the wonders of volcanoes, the history of Hakone, and the beauty of nature.

*A Geopark is a natural park notable for distinctive natural environments and history created through geologic activity.

Area Owakudani
address 1251 Sengokuhara, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa-ken Owakudani Kurotamagokan 1F
Phone Number 0460-83-8140
FAX Number 0460-84-9656
Access 1 min. from Owakudani station
Price Entrance fee 100yen
Parking fee:Car:530yen/Bus:1,580yen/Bike:110yen
Open Times 9:00~16:00